Marius: "I have copied the configuration from 1.4.1 to the 3.1."

Does the Directory implementation show up in the JMX beans? In
admin/statistics.jsp ? Or the Solr startup logs? (Sorry, don't have a
Solr available.)

> What platform are you on?  I believe the Lucene Directory
> implementation now tries to be smarter (compared to lucene 2.9) about
> picking the best default (but it may not be working out for you for
> some reason)


On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 12:46 PM, Yonik Seeley
<> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 9:53 AM, Marius van Zwijndregt
> <> wrote:
>> Hello !
>> I'm new to the list, have been using SOLR for roughly 6 months and love it.
>> Currently i'm setting up a 3.1 installation, next to a 1.4.1 installation
>> (Ubuntu server, same JVM params). I have copied the configuration from 1.4.1
>> to the 3.1.
>> Both version are running fine, but one thing ive noticed, is that the QTime
>> on 3.1, is much slower for initial searches than on the (currently
>> production) 1.4.1 installation.
>> For example:
>> Searching with 3.1; http://mysite:9983/solr/select?q=grasmaaier: QTime
>> returns 371
>> Searching with 1.4.1: http://mysite:8983/solr/select?q=grasmaaier: QTime
>> returns 59
>> Using debugQuery=true, i can see that the main time is spend in the query
>> component itself (org.apache.solr.handler.component.QueryComponent).
>> Can someone explain this, and how can i analyze this further ? Does it take
>> time to build up a decent query, so could i switch to 3.1 without having to
>> worry ?
> Thanks for the report... there's no reason that anything should really
> be much slower, so it would be great to get to the bottom of this!
> Is this using the same index as the 1.4.1 server, or did you rebuild it?
> Are there any other query parameters (that are perhaps added by
> default, like faceting or anything else that could take up time) or is
> this truly just a term query?
> What platform are you on?  I believe the Lucene Directory
> implementation now tries to be smarter (compared to lucene 2.9) about
> picking the best default (but it may not be working out for you for
> some reason).
> -Yonik
> -- Lucene/Solr User Conference, May
> 25-26, San Francisco

Lance Norskog

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