It did:

Sematext :: :: Solr - Lucene - Nutch
Lucene ecosystem search ::

----- Original Message ----
> From: Estrada Groups <>
> To: Estrada Groups <>
> Cc: "" <>
> Sent: Tue, April 12, 2011 3:14:56 PM
> Subject: Re: Indexing Flickr and Panaramio
> Did this go to the list? I think I may need to resubscribe...
> Sent from  my iPhone
> On Apr 12, 2011, at 12:55 AM, Estrada Groups <>  
> > Has anyone tried doing this? Got any tips for someone  getting started?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Adam
> > 
> > Sent  from my iPhone

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