(11/04/27 7:35), Alejandro Delgadillo wrote:

I¹ve been using solr with Coldfusion9,  I¹ve made a couple of adjustment to
it in order to fulfill my needs of my client, I¹m using solr as a document
search engine for a online library which has documents larger then 20MB and
some of them have more than 20 pages.

The thing is that... At first the solr didn¹t indexed all the text, I
already fix it by changing the number of the maxfieldlength in the
collections, now when I search for some word at the end of a document that
has like 150 pages, it shows me the document but won¹t highlight the words
that are almost at the end.

Any ideas?

So your maxAnalyzedChars is too small?


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