
Thanks. Now Solr finds the descriptor; however, I think this is very bad practice. Descriptors really aren't meant to be jarred up. They often contain relative paths.
For example, in my case I have a directory that looks like:
        |- desc
        |- pear

where the AnalysisEngine descriptor contained in desc is an aggregate analysis engine and refers to other analysis engines packaged as installed PEAR files in the pear subdirectory. As such, the descriptor contains relative paths pointing into the pear subdirectory. Grabbing the descriptor from the jar breaks that since OverridingParamsAEProvider
uses the XMLInputSource method without relative path signature.


On 5/4/2011 6:16 AM, Tommaso Teofili wrote:
Hello Barry,
the main AnalysisEngine descriptor defined inside the<analysisEngine>
element should be inside one of the jars imported with the<lib>  elements.
At the moment it cannot be taken from expanded directories but it should be
easy to do it (and indeed useful) modifying the
OverridingParamsAEProvider class
[1] at line 57.
Hope this helps,

[1] :

2011/5/3 Barry Hathaway<>

I'm new to Solr and trying to get it call a UIMA aggregate analysis engine
and not having much luck.
The null pointer exception indicates that it can't find the xml file
associated with the engine.
I have tried a number of combinations of a path in the<analysisEngine>
  element, but nothing
seems to work. In addition, I've put the directory containing the
descriptor in both the classpath
when starting the server and in a<lib>  element in solrconfig.xml. So:

What "classpath" does the<analysisEngine>  tag effectively search for to
locate the descriptor?

Do the<lib>  entries in solrconfig.xml affect this classpath?

Do the engine descriptors have to be in a jar or can they be in an expanded

Thanks in advance.


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