Hi Gabriele,

On 5/5/2011 at 9:57 AM, Gabriele Kahlout wrote:
> Okay, that sequence worked, but then shouldn't I be able to do $ mvn
> install afterwards? This is what I get:
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> org/apache/solr/spelling/suggest/fst/InputStreamDataInput.java:[7,27]
> package com.google.common.io does not exist
> org/apache/solr/spelling/suggest/fst/FSTLookup.java:[28,32] package
> com.google.common.collect does not exist

"mvn install" should work, but it doesn't - I can reproduce this error on my 
machine.  This is a bug in the Maven build.  

The nightly Lucene/Solr Maven build on Jenkins should have caught this 
compilation failure three weeks ago, when Dawid Weiss committed his work under 
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-2378>.  Unfortunately, the nightly 
builds were using the results of compilation under the Ant build, rather than 
compiling from scratch.  I have committed a fix to the nightly build script so 
this won't happen again.

The Maven build bug is that the Solr-core Google Guava dependency was scoped as 
test-only.  Until SOLR-2378, that was true, but it is no longer.  So the fix is 
simply to remove <scope>test</scope> from the dependency declaration in the 
Solr-core POM.  I've committed this too.

If you "svn update" you will get these two fixes.

Thank you very much for persisting, and reporting the problems you have 


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