Hello Anurag

Google is always there to do internet search. You need to support search for
your university. My opinion would be don't crawl the sites. You require only
Solr and not Nutch.

1. Provide an interface to upload the documents by the university students.
The documents could be previous year question paper, Notes, E-books etc.
Scan the documents and convert it to PDF and upload them. Providing search
on these things would be more valuable than crawling the sites.


On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 1:31 PM, Anurag <anurag.it.jo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am a student at  http://jmi.ac.in/index.htm Jamia Millia Islamia  , a
> central univeristy in India. I want to use my search engine for the benefit
> of students. The university has course like undergraduate,graduate,phd etc
> inlcuding Engineering . Earlier one of my teacher suggested developing
> Intranet Search ( for Lan) , but i am not able to figure it out as to how
> to
> implement it. My university uses Google as its own site search tool.
> I am in Engg department and i see students( including me ) using Xerox,
> Previous year papers , Notes  etc  during exam  time. People use internet
> or
> say google to learn if any topics is not inlucded in book.
> Please give some valuable suggestions.
> Thanks
> -----
> Kumar Anurag
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