You've hit it right on the head... if you can use the standard
analyzers/filters/etc, you're in good shape.

You have to process the output (xml, json, whatever) as Otis
says, but that's in whatever language your app server uses.

But when was the last time you were motivated to write a blog
post like "just used the package and it all worked" :). Perhaps
one of the things you're seeing is that people are motivated
to write about the nifty parts of what they do... Coupled with
the fact that people write to the users' list exactly because they
can't make the standard stuff do their particular task.

It's nice to know you *can* extend it with plugins for those gnarly
situations though.

So I say "go for it"!


On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 6:28 PM, Jack Repenning <> wrote:
> What's the probability that I can build a non-trivial Solr app without 
> writing any Java?
> I've been planning to use Solr, Lucene, and existing plug-ins, and sort of 
> hoping not to write any Java (the app itself is Ruby / Rails). The dox (such 
> as seem encouraging. [I *can* write Java, 
> but my planning's all been "no Java."]
> I'm just beginning the design work in earnest, and I suddenly notice that it 
> seems every mail thread, blog, or example starts out Java-free, but somehow 
> ends up involving Java code. I'm not sure I yet understand all these 
> snippets; conceivably some of the Java I see could just as easily be written 
> in another language, but it makes me wonder. Is it realistic to plan a 
> sizable Solr application without some Java programming?
> I know, I know, I know: everything depends on the details. I'd be interested 
> even in anecdotes: has anyone ever achieved this before? Also, what are the 
> clues I should look for that I need to step into the Java realm? I 
> understand, for example, that it's possible to write filters and tokenizers 
> to do stuff not available in any standard one; in this case, the clue would 
> be "I can't find what I want in the standard list," I guess. Are there other 
> things I should look for?
> -==-
> Jack Repenning
> Technologist
> Codesion Business Unit
> CollabNet, Inc.
> 8000 Marina Boulevard, Suite 600
> Brisbane, California 94005
> office: +1 650.228.2562
> twitter:

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