Hi Zac.

The syntax in your example is odd, I didn't know you could do that. Except it 
doesn't quite work as you show. You could file a bug. As an alternative that 
might suffice, use the point-radius arguments in which Solr will take the 
minimum-bounding-box for.  See {!bbox}

You can expect to see great improvements in geospatial for 4.0.

~ David

On May 23, 2011, at 12:33 AM, Zac Smith wrote:

> How would I specify a filter that covered a rectangular viewport? I have 4 
> coordinate points for the corners and I want to return everything inside that 
> area.
> My first naive attempt was this:
> q=*:*&fq=coords:[44.119141,-125.948638 TO 47.931066,-111.029205]
> At first this seems to work OK, except where the viewport crosses over a 
> point where the longitude goes from a positive value to a negative value.
> Thanks
> Zac

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