Hi all,

I sent a mail in about this topic a week ago but now that I have more
information about what I am doing, as well as a better understanding of how
the similarity class works, I wanted to start a new thread with a bit more
information about what I'm doing, what I want to do, and how I can make it
work correctly.

I have written a similarity class that I would like applied to a specific

This is how I am defining the fieldType:

<fieldType name="edgengram_cust" class="solr.TextField"
     <tokenizer class="solr.LowerCaseTokenizerFactory" />
     <filter class="solr.EdgeNGramFilterFactory" minGramSize="1"
maxGramSize="1" side="front" />
   <similarity class="my.package.similarity.MySimilarity"/>

And then I assign a specific field to that fieldType:

<field name="myfield" multiValued="true" type="edgengram_cust"
indexed="true" stored="true" required="false" omitNorms="true" />

Then, I restarted solr and did a fullimport. However, the changes I have
made do not appear to be taking hold. For simplicity, right now I just have
the idf function returning 1. When I do a search with debugQuery=on, the idf
behaves as it normally does. However, when I search on this field, the idf
should be 1 and that is not the case.

To try and nail down where the problem occurs, I commented out the
similarity class definition in the fieldType and added it globally to the
schema file:

<similarity class="my.package.similarity.MySimilarity"/>

Then, I restarted solr and did a fullimport. This time, the idf scores were
all 1. So it seems to me the problem is not with my similarity class but in
trying to apply it to a specific fieldType.

According to https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-2338, this should be
in the trunk now yes? I have run svn up on both my lucene and solr installs
and it still is not recognizing it on a per field basis.

Is the tag different inside a fieldType? Did I not update solr correctly?
Where is my mistake?


Brian Lamb

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