If I read this correctly, one approach is to specify an
increment gap in a multiValued field, then search for phrases
with a slop less than that increment gap. i.e.
incrementGap=100 in your definition, and search for
"apple orange"~99

If this is gibberish, please post some examples and we'll
try something else.


On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 4:21 AM, Kurt Sultana <kurtanat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  Hi all,
> We're using Solr to search on a Shop index and a Product index. Currently a
> Shop has a field `shop_keyword` which also contains the keywords of the
> products assigned to it. The shop keywords are separated by a space.
> Consequently, if there is a product which has a keyword "apple" and another
> which has "orange", a search for shops having `Apple AND Orange` would
> return the shop for these products.
> However, this is incorrect since we want that a search for shops having
> `Apple AND Orange` returns shop(s) having products with both "apple" and
> "orange" as keywords.
> We tried solving this problem, by making shop keywords multi-valued and
> assigning the keywords of every product of the shop as a new value in shop
> keywords. However as was confirmed in another post
> http://markmail.org/thread/xce4qyzs5367yplo#query:+page:1+mid:76eerw5yqev2aanu+state:results,
> Solr does not support "all words must match in the same value of a
> multi-valued field".
> (Hope I explained myself well)
> How can we go about this? Ideally, we shouldn't change our search
> infrastructure dramatically.
> Thanks!
> Krt_Malta

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