On 5/31/2011 3:02 PM, Markus Jelsma wrote:

I've seen the stats page many times, of quite a few installations and even
more servers. There's one issue that keeps bothering me: the cumulative hit
ratio of the query result cache, it's almost never higher than 50%.

What are your stats? How do you deal with it?

Below are my stats.

I will be lowering my warmcounts dramatically when I respin for 3.1. The 28 second warm time is too high for me. I don't think it's going to make a lot of difference in performance. I think most of the warming benefit is realized after the first few queries.

Concurrent LRU Cache(maxSize=1024, initialSize=1024, minSize=921, acceptableSize=972, cleanupThread=true, autowarmCount=64, regenerator=org.apache.solr.search.SolrIndexSearcher$3@60c0c8b5)

lookups : 932
hits : 528
hitratio : 0.56
inserts : 403
evictions : 0
size : 449
warmupTime : 28198
cumulative_lookups : 980357
cumulative_hits : 622726
cumulative_hitratio : 0.63
cumulative_inserts : 369692
cumulative_evictions : 83711

lookups : 68543
hits : 57286
hitratio : 0.83
inserts : 11357
evictions : 0
size : 11357
warmupTime : 0
cumulative_lookups : 219118491
cumulative_hits : 179119106
cumulative_hitratio : 0.81
cumulative_inserts : 39999385
cumulative_evictions : 32833254

LRU Cache(maxSize=16384, initialSize=4096)

lookups : 68543
hits : 57286
hitratio : 0.83
inserts : 11357
evictions : 0
size : 11357
warmupTime : 0
cumulative_lookups : 219118491
cumulative_hits : 179119106
cumulative_hitratio : 0.81
cumulative_inserts : 39999385
cumulative_evictions : 32833254

LRU Cache(maxSize=512, initialSize=512, autowarmCount=32, regenerator=org.apache.solr.search.SolrIndexSearcher$2@6910b640)

lookups : 859
hits : 464
hitratio : 0.54
inserts : 465
evictions : 0
size : 464
warmupTime : 27747
cumulative_lookups : 682600
cumulative_hits : 355130
cumulative_hitratio : 0.52
cumulative_inserts : 327479
cumulative_evictions : 161624

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