How are you implementing your custom cache? If you're defining
it in the solrconfig, couldn't you implement the regenerator? See:


On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 12:38 PM, oleole <> wrote:
> Hi,
> We use solr and lucene fieldcache like this
> static DocTerms myfieldvalues =
>, "myField");
> which is initialized at first use and will stay in memory for fast retrieval
> of field values based on DocID
> The problem is after an index/commit, the lucene fieldcache is reloaded in
> the new searcher, but this static list need to updated as well,  what is the
> best way to handle this? Basically we want to update those custom filedcache
> whenever there is a commit. The possible solution I can think of:
> 1) manually call an request handler to clean up those custom stuffs after
> commit, which is a hack and ugly.
> 2) use some listener event (not sure whether I can use newSearcher event
> listener in Solr); also there seems to be a lucene ticket (
>, Allow to plug in a Cache
> Eviction Listener to IndexReader to eagerly clean custom caches that use the
> IndexReader (getFieldCacheKey)), not clear to me how to use it though
> Any of your suggestion/comments is much appreciated. Thanks!
> oleole

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