> Hey Denis,

> * How big is your index in terms of number of documents and index size?
5  cores,  average  250.000  documents,  one with about 1 million (but
without  text,  just  int/float  fields),  one  with  about 10 million
id/name documents, but with n-gram.
Size: 4 databases about 1G (sum), 1 database (with n-gram) for 21G..
I  don't  know any other way to search for product names except n-gram

> * Is it production system where you have many search requests?
Yes, dependent on database, but not less than 100 req/sec

> * Is there any pattern for OOM errors? I.e. right after you start your
> Solr app, after some search activity or specific Solr queries, etc?
No, java just raises memory size used all the time until it crush.

> * What are 1) cache settings 2) facets and sort-by fields 3) commit
> frequency and warmup queries?
All settings are default (as given in trunk / example).
Facets are used, sort by also used.
Commits  are  divided  into  2  groups:
- often but small (last changed
- 1 time per day all the database

> etc

> Generally you might want to connect to your jvm using jconsole tool
> and monitor your heap usage (and other JVM/Solr numbers)

> * http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/J2SE/jconsole.html
> * http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrJmx#Remote_Connection_to_Solr_JMX

> HTH,
> Alexey

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