There's no feature in Solr to do what you ask, no. I don't think.

On 6/7/2011 1:30 PM, Brian Lamb wrote:
Hi Jonathan,

Thank you for your reply. Your point about my example is a good one. So let
me try to restate using your example. Suppose I want to apply AND to any
search terms within field1.


field1:foo field2:bar field1:baz field2:bom

would by written as

http://localhost:8983/solr/?q=field1:foo OR field2:bar OR field1:baz OR

But if they were written together like:

http://localhost:8983/solr/?q=field1:(foo baz) field2:(bar bom)

I would want it to be

http://localhost:8983/solr/?q=field1:(foo AND baz) OR field2:(bar OR bom)

But it sounds like you are saying that would not be possible.


Brian Lamb

On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 11:27 AM, Jonathan Rochkind<>  wrote:

Nope, not possible.

I'm not even sure what it would mean semantically. If you had default
operator "OR" ordinarily, but default operator "AND" just for "field2", then
what would happen if you entered:

field1:foo field2:bar field1:baz field2:bom

Where the heck would the ANDs and ORs go?  The operators are BETWEEN the
clauses that specify fields, they don't belong to a field. In general, the
operators are part of the query as a whole, not any specific field.

In fact, I'd be careful of your example query:
    q=field1:foo bar field2:baz

I don't think that means what you think it means, I don't think the
"field1" applies to the "bar" in that case. Although I could be wrong, but
you definitely want to check it.  You need "field1:foo field1:bar", or set
the default field for the query to "field1", or use parens (although that
will change the execution strategy and ranking): q=field1:(foo bar)   ....

At any rate, even if there's a way to specify this so it makes sense, no,
Solr/lucene doesn't support any such thing.

On 6/7/2011 10:56 AM, Brian Lamb wrote:

I feel like this should be fairly easy to do but I just don't see anywhere
in the documentation on how to do this. Perhaps I am using the wrong

On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 12:19 PM, Brian Lamb

  Hi all,
Is it possible to change the query parser operator for a specific field
without having to explicitly type it in the search field?

For example, I'd like to use:

http://localhost:8983/solr/search/?q=field1:word token field2:parser

instead of

http://localhost:8983/solr/search/?q=field1:word AND token field2:parser

But, I only want it to be applied to field1, not field2 and I want the
operator to always be AND unless the user explicitly types in OR.


Brian Lamb

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