
there seems to be no way to index CSV using the DataImportHandler.

Using a combination of
proposed in
not working for real world CSV files.

E.g. many CSV files have double-quotes enclosing some but not all columns -
there is no elegant way to segment this using a simple regular expression.

As CSV is still very common esp. in E-Commerce scenarios, I propose that
Solr provides a CSVEntityProcessor that:
1) Handles the case of CSV files with/without and with some double-quote
enclosed columns
2) Allows for a configurable column separator (';',',','\t' etc.)
3) Allows for a leading row containing column headings
4) If there is a leading row with column headings provides a possibility to
address columns by their column names and map them to Solr fields (similar
to the XPathEntityProcessor)
5) Auto-detects encoding of the file (UTF-8 etc.)

This would make it A LOT easier to use Solr for E-Commerce scenarios.

If there is no such entity processor in the works i will develop one ... So
please let me know.


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