Am 27.06.2011 14:35, schrieb Robert Muir:
On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 8:30 AM, Bernd Fehling
<>  wrote:

Unicode U+FFFF ist UTF-8 byte sequence "ef bf bf" that is right.

But I was saying that UTF-8 0xffff (which is byte sequence "ff ff") is
and that's what the is complaining about.
"Invalid UTF-8 character 0xffff".

Don't mix up Unicode with UTF-8.

Sorry, but think are wrong ;-)

Hi, there is no such thing as "UTF-8 0xffff", nor is there any such
thing as "utf-8 character", despite what this xml parser might say.

This is just a stupid XML parser, like other stupid things about XML,
it says 'illegal this' or 'illegal that' for arbitrary sets of unicode
(such as control characters).

You can tell the XML parser is totally broken, when it uses the phrase
'utf-8 character'. this term does not exist.


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