sure,  SSD or RAM disks fix these problems with IO.

Anyhow, I can really see no alternative for some in memory index for
slaves, especially for low latency master-slave apps (high commit rate
is a problem).

having possibility to run slaves  in memory that are slurping updates
from Master  seams to me like a preffered method (you need no
twiddling with OS, just CPU and RAM is what you need for your slaves,
run slave and point it to master ). I assume that update propagation
times could be better by having
some sexy ReadOnlySlaveRAMDirectorySlurpingUpdatesFromTheMaster that
does reload() directly from the Master (maybe even uncommitted,
somehow NRT-likish).

Point being, lower latency update than current 1-5 Minutes (wiki
recommended values) is not going to be possible with current
master-slave solution, due to the nature of it (commit to disk on
master, copy delta to slave disk, reload...) This is a lot of ping
pong... ES and solandra are by nature better suited if you need update
propagation in  seconds range.

It is just thinking aloud, and slightly off-topic... solr/lucene as it
is today, rocks  anyhow.

On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 10:55 AM, Toke Eskildsen <> 
> On Wed, 2011-06-29 at 09:35 +0200, eks dev wrote:
>> In MMAP, you need to have really smart warm up (MMAP) to beat IO
>> quirks, for RAMDir  you need to tune gc(), choose your poison :)
> Other alternatives are operating system RAM disks (avoids the GC
> problem) and using SSDs (nearly the same performance as RAM).

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