The current status of my installation is that with some tweeking of
JAVA I get a runtime of about 2 weeks until OldGen (14GB) is filled
to 100 percent and won't free anything even with FullGC.
The part of fieldCache in a HeapDump to that time is over 80 percent
from the whole heap (20GB). And that is what eats up all OldGen
until OOM.
Next week I will start with tomcat 6.x to see how that one behaves, but
there isn't any hope. It is just a different container which wouldn't
change anything about how Lucene eats up memory with fieldCache.

After digging through all the code, logging and debugging I can say that it
seams to be not a memory leak.

Solr is using the fieldCache from Lucene under the hood of the servlet 
The fieldCache grows until everything cachable is in memory or OOM
is reached, what ever comes first.
The description says: "Provides introspection of the Lucene FieldCache,
this is **NOT** a cache that is managed by Solr."
So it seams to be a Lucene problem.

As a matter of fact and due to this limitation solr can't be used
with a single huge index. I don't know how other applications which are
using Lucene and it's fieldCache (and there are a lot of them) are
handling this and how they take care of the size of the fieldCache.
And, I currently don't know how to calculate the limit.
Say for example: the size of *.tii and *.tis file in the index should be
                 the -Xmx size of your JAVA to be save with fieldCache and OOM.

May be an expert can give more detailed info about fieldCache and its
possible maximum size.

Some data about our index:
-rw-r--r-- 1 solr users 84448291214 19. Jul 10:43 _12jl.fdt
-rw-r--r-- 1 solr users   236458468 19. Jul 10:43 _12jl.fdx
-rw-r--r-- 1 solr users        1208 19. Jul 10:30 _12jl.fnm
-rw-r--r-- 1 solr users 19950615826 19. Jul 11:20 _12jl.frq
-rw-r--r-- 1 solr users   532031548 19. Jul 11:20 _12jl.nrm
-rw-r--r-- 1 solr users 20616887682 19. Jul 11:20 _12jl.prx
-rw-r--r-- 1 solr users   291149087 19. Jul 11:20 _12jl.tii
-rw-r--r-- 1 solr users 30850743727 19. Jul 11:20 _12jl.tis
-rw-r--r-- 1 solr users          20  9. Jun 11:11 segments.gen
-rw-r--r-- 1 solr users         274 19. Jul 11:20 segments_pl
Size: 146,15 GB
Docs: 29.557.308


Am 22.07.2011 00:10, schrieb Santiago Bazerque:
Hello Erick,

I have a 1.7MM documents, 3.6GB index. I also hava an unusual amount of
dynamic fields, that I use for sorting. My FieldCache currently has about
13.000 entries, even though my index only has 1-3 queries per second. Each
query sorts by two dynamic fields, and facets on 3-4 fields that are fixed.
These latter fields are always in the field cache, what I find suspicious is
the other ~13.000 that are sitting there.

I am using a 32GB heap, and I am seeing periodical OOM errors (I didn't spot
a regular pattern as Bernd did, but haven't increased RAM as methodically as
he has).

If you need any more info, I'll be glad to post it to the list.


On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 9:13 AM, Erick Erickson<>wrote:

Sorry, it was late last night when I typed that...

Basically, if you sort and facet on #all# the fields you mentioned, it
should populate
the cache in one go. If the problem is that you just have too many unique
for all those operations, then it should go bOOM.

But, frankly, that's unlikely, I'm just suggesting that to be sure the
easy case isn't
the problem. Take a memory snapshot at that point just to see, it should be
high-water mark.

The fact that you increase the heap and can then run for longer is
suspicious, and really smells like a memory issue, so we'd like to pursue

I'd be really interested if anyone else is seeing anything similar,
these are the
scary ones...


On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 3:09 AM, Bernd Fehling
<>  wrote:
Hi Erik,
I will take some memory snapshots during the next week,
but how can it be to get OOMs with one query?

- I started with 6g for JVM -->  1 day until OOM.
- increased to 8 g -->  2 days until OOM
- increased to 10g -->  3.5 days until OOM
- increased to 16g -->  5 days until OOM
- currently 20g -->  about 7 days until OOM

Starting the system takes about 3.5g and goes up to about 4g after a

The only dirty workaround so far is to restart the whole system after 5
Not really nice.

The problem seams to be fieldCache which is under the hood of jetty.
Do you know of any sizing features for fieldCache to limit the memory


Am 17.06.2011 03:37, schrieb Erick Erickson:

Well, if my theory is right, you should be able to generate OOMs at will
sorting and faceting on all your fields in one query.

But Lucene's cache should be garbage collected, can you take some memory
snapshots during the week? It should hit a point and stay steady there.

How much memory are you giving your JVM? It looks like a lot given your
memory snapshot.


On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 3:01 AM, Bernd Fehling
<>   wrote:

Hi Erik,

yes I'm sorting and faceting.

1) Fields for sorting:
   sort=f_dccreator_sort, sort=f_dctitle, sort=f_dcyear
   The parameter "facet.sort=" is empty, only using parameter "sort=".

2) Fields for faceting:
   f_dcperson, f_dcsubject, f_dcyear, f_dccollection, f_dclang,
   Other faceting parameters:


3) The LukeRequestHandler takes too long for my huge index so this is
   the standalone luke (compiled for solr3.2):
   f_dccreator_sort = 10.029.196
   f_dctitle        = 21.514.939
   f_dcyear         =      1.471
   f_dcperson       = 14.138.165
   f_dcsubject      =  8.012.319
   f_dccollection   =      1.863
   f_dclang         =        299
   f_dctypenorm     =         14
   f_dccontenttype  =        497

numDocs:    28.940.964
numTerms:  686.813.235
optimized:        true
hasDeletions:    false

What can you read/calculate from this values?

Is my index to big for Lucene/Solr?

What I don't understand, why fieldCache is not garbage collected
and therefore reduced in size from time to time.


Am 15.06.2011 17:50, schrieb Erick Erickson:

The first question I have is whether you're sorting and/or
faceting on many unique string values? I'm guessing
that sometime you are. So, some questions to help
pin it down:
1>     what fields are you sorting on?
2>     what fields are you faceting on?
3>     how many unique terms in each (see the solr admin page).


On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 8:22 AM, Bernd Fehling
<>     wrote:

Dear list,

after getting OOM exception after one week of operation with
solr 3.2 I used MemoryAnalyzer for the heapdumpfile.
It looks like the fieldCache eats up all memory.

                                                    Objects     Shalow
   Retained Heap                       0

= 14,636,950,632                   1

= 14,636,950,384$StringIndexCache  1

= 14,636,947,080$StringIndex          10

= 14,636,944,352

java.lang.String[]                                      519

= 13,503,733,312

char[]                                           81,766,595

= 11,604,293,712

fieldCache retains over 14g of heap.

When looking on stats page under fieldCache the description says:
"Provides introspection of the Lucene FieldCache, this is **NOT** a
that is managed by Solr."

So is this a jetty problem and not solr?

Why is fieldCache growing and growing until OOM?


Bernd Fehling                Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld
Dipl.-Inform. (FH)                        Universitätsstr. 25
Tel. +49 521 106-4060                   Fax. +49 521 106-4052                33615 Bielefeld

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