On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 6:26 PM, Michael Ryan <mr...@moreover.com> wrote:
> Is there a way to specify in a query that a term must match at least X times 
> in a document, where X is some value greater than 1?

One simple way of doing this is maybe to write a wrapper for TermQuery
that only returns docs with a Term Frequency  > X as far as I
understand the question those terms don't have to be within a certain
window right?

> For example, I want to only get documents that contain the word "dog" three 
> times.  I've thought that using a proximity query with an arbitrary large 
> distance value might do it:
> "dog dog dog"~100000
> And that does seem to return the results I expect.
> But when I try for more than three, I start getting unexpected result counts 
> as I change the proximity value:
> "dog dog dog dog"~100000 returns 6403 results
> "dog dog dog dog"~200000 returns 9291 results
> "dog dog dog dog"~300000 returns 6395 results
> Anyone ever do something like this and know how I can accomplish this?
> -Michael

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