have u tried in your facet_year index analyzer something like this?

<analyzer type="index">
<charFilter class="solr.PatternReplaceCharFilterFactory" pattern="\n{4}"
replacement="$1-01-01T00:00:**00Z" replace="all"/>

this can theoretically do the trick

2011/8/24 Oliver Schihin <oliver.schi...@unibas.ch>

> Hello list
> My documents come with a field holding a date, always a year:
> <year>2008</year
> In the schema, this content is taken for a field <year> as an integer, and
> it will be searchable.
> Through a copyfield-instruction I move the <year> to a <facet_year>-field,
> you guess, to use it for faceting and make range queries possible. Its field
> type is of the class 'solr.TrieDateField' that requires canonical date
> representation. Is there a way in solr to extend the simple year to
> <facet_year>2008-01-01T00:00:**00Z</facet_year>. Or, do i have to solve
> the problem in preprocessing, before posting?
> Thanks
> Oliver


*Alexei Martchenko* | *CEO* | Superdownloads
ale...@superdownloads.com.br | ale...@martchenko.com.br | (11)

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