Anyone else strugglin' with dismax's MM parameter?

We're having a problem here, seems that configs from 3 terms and more are
being ignored by solr and it assumes previous configs.

if I use <str name="mm">3&lt;1</str> or <str name="mm">3&lt;100%</str> i get
the same results for a 3-term query.
If i try <str name="mm">4&lt;25%</str> or <str name="mm">4&lt;100%</str> I
also get same data for a 4-term query.

I'm searching: windows service pack
<str name="mm">1&lt;100% 2&lt;50% 3&lt;100%</str> - 13000 results
<str name="mm">1&lt;100% 2&lt;50% 3&lt;1</str> - the same 13000 results
<str name="mm">1&lt;100% 2&lt;50%</str> - very same 13000 results
<str name="mm">1&lt;100% 2&lt;100%</str> - 93 results. seems that here i get
the 3<3 clause working.
<str name="mm">2&lt;100%</str> - same 93 results, just in case.
<str name="mm">2&lt;50%</str> - very same 13000 results as it should
<str name="mm">2&lt;-50%</str> - 1121 results (weird)

then i tried to control 3-term queries.

<str name="mm">2&lt;-50% 3&lt;100%</str> 1121, the same as 2<-50%, ignoring
the 3 clause.
<str name="mm">2&lt;-50% 3&lt;1</str> the same 1121 results, ignoring again

I'd like to accomplish something like this:
<str name="mm">2&lt;1 3&lt;2 4&lt;3 8&lt;-50%</str>

translating: 1 or 2 -> 1 term, 3 at least 2, 4 at least 3 and 5, 6, 7, 8
terms at least half rounded up (5->3, 6->3, 7->4, 8->4)

seems that he's only using 1 and 2 clauses.

thanks in advance


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