I don't quite get what you mean by results aren't across pages. It's possible
that all the results fit in one page because of grouping. What happens if you
specify just a few rows? e.g. &rows=3?

I suspect this is just a problem with the small number of docs.


On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 12:32 AM, Balaji N.S. [via Lucene]
<ml-node+3300292-197487802-392...@n3.nabble.com> wrote:
> Solr 3.3 is what I use and I have configured grouping of results by default.
> I have some 30-40 sample documents in my index. I use Solritas UI . When I
> search I don't get the results across pages. Even when I specify an empty
> query the results that are returned are just for the first page.
> What file in the velocity script should I change to achieve this . Can you
> please help me out.
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