I want to create full-text search for my database.

It means that search engine should look up some string for all fields of my

I have created Solr configuration for extracting and indexing data from a



According documentation in the file schema.xml I have created field for
full-text search index:


<field name="TEXT" type="..." indexed="true" stored="true"


Also I have added strings for copying all values of all fields into this
full-search field:



    <copyField source="...." dest="TEXT"/>



In result I have possibility to search for all fields in my database. But I
can't recognize which field in the found record contains requested string.

Highlighting functionality just marks string in the "TEXT" field like


<lst name="highlighting">

<lst name="431046.431344...8473633">

  <arr name="TEXT">

    <str>Any text any text <em>Test</em>"</str> 



<lst name="431046.431231...8476393">

  <arr name="TEXT">

   <str>Any text any text <em>Test</em>"</str> 




How to create full-search index with possibility to recognize source
database field?


Thx a lot.


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