Hi, I agree that people can register arbitrary qparsers, however  the
question might have been understoo differently - about the ANLR parser
that can handle what solr qparser does (and that one is looking at
_query_: and similar stuff -- or at local params, which is what can be
copy&pasted into the business logic of the new parser; ie. the
solution might be similar to what is already done in solr qparser)

I think I'm going to try just that :)

So here is my working ANTLR grammar for Lucene in case anybody is interested:

And I plan to build now a wrapper that calls this parser to parse the
query, get the tree, then translate the tree into lucene query object.
The local stuff {} may not even be part of the grammar -- some unclear
ideas in here, but they will be sorted out...


On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 9:26 PM, Chris Hostetter
<hossman_luc...@fucit.org> wrote:
> : I'm looking for an ANTLR parser that consumes solr queries and filters.
> : Before I write my own, thought I'd ask if anyone has one they are
> : willing to share or can point me to one?
> I'm pretty sure that this will be imposisble to do in the general case --
> arbitrary QParser instances (that support arbitrary syntax) can be
> registered in the solrconfig.xml and specified using either localparams or
> defType.  so even if you did write a parser that understood all of the
> rules of all of hte default QParsers, and even if you made your parser
> smart enough to know how to look at other params (ie: defType, or
> variable substitution of "type") to understand which subset of parse rules
> to use, that still might give false positives or false failures if hte
> user registered their own QParser using a new name (or changed the
> names used in registrating existing parsers)
> The main question i have is: why are you looking for an ANTLR paser to do
> this?  what is your goal?
> https://people.apache.org/~hossman/#xyproblem
> Your question appears to be an "XY Problem" ... that is: you are dealing
> with "X", you are assuming "Y" will help you, and you are asking about "Y"
> without giving more details about the "X" so that we can understand the
> full issue.  Perhaps the best solution doesn't involve "Y" at all?
> See Also: http://www.perlmonks.org/index.pl?node_id=542341
> -Hoss

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