Come cache hit problems can be fixed with the Large Pages feature.

On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 3:30 PM, Federico Fissore <>wrote:

> Frederik Kraus, il 28/09/2011 23:16, ha scritto:
>   Yep, I'm not getting more than 50-60% CPU during those load tests.
> I would try reducing the number of shards. A part from the memory
> discussion, this really seems to me a concurrency issue: too many threads
> waiting for other threads to complete, too many context switches...
> recently, on a lots-of-cores database server, we INCREASED speed by
> REDUCING the number of cores/threads each query was allowed to use (making
> sense of our customer investment)
> maybe you can get a similar effect by reducing the number of pieces your
> distributed search has to merge
> my 2 eurocents
> federico

Lance Norskog

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