: The join results in only "Post" type documents, so the intersection
: with fq=state_s:California (which only appears on "User" type
: documents) should always give back 0 documents.  You need to apply
: that filter before the join translates between these two document
: types.
: {!join from=self_id_i to=user_id_i}all_posts_text:"lucene" +state_s:California

I think the real key to understanding join is to remember that it's just a 
special type of query parser that wraps another query, transforming the 
set of docs matched by the inner query into a new doc set based on the 
join fields.

Anything you want to do in relation to that "inner" query needs to be 
part of the inner query.

FYI: I recently added some more examples to the wiki to try and make the 
join parser a little more clear...



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