
Am 25.10.2011 23:53, schrieb Shawn Heisey:
> On 10/20/2011 11:00 AM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
>> [...] I've noticed a performance discrepancy when
>> processing every one of my delete records, currently about 25000 of
>> them.

I din't understand what a delete record is. Do you delete records in
Solr? This shouldn't be done using records (what is a record in this
case? A document?); use a query for that.

Or do you add documents that you call delete records?

> I've managed to make this somewhat better by using multiple threads to
> do all the deletes on the six large static indexes at once, but that
> shouldn't be required.  The Perl version doesn't do them at the same time.

Are you sure? I don't know about the perl client, but maybe it's doing
the network operation in background?

I a single-thread environment, the client has to wait when sending each
request until it has been completely sent to the server, doing nothing.
Multiple threads can help you a lot here.

You can check this when you monitor your client's cpu load.

> 10:27 < cedrichurst> the only difference i could see is deserializing
> the java binary object

This is true, but only in theory. Serializing and deserializing is so
fast that this shouldn't impact.

If you really want to be sure, use a SolrInputDocument instead of
annotated classes when sending documents, but as I said, this shouldn't
matter much.

What's more important: Don't send single documents but rather use
add(Collection) with multiple documents at once. At least when I
understood you correctly that you want to send 25000 documents for update...


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