On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 7:13 AM, Anatoli Matuskova <
anatoli.matusk...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't like the idea of indexing a doc per each value, the dataset can
> grow
> a lot.

What does a lot mean?  How high is the sky?

A million people with 3 year schedules is a billion tiny documents.

That doesn't sound like such an enormous number.

> I have thought that something like this could work:
> At indexing time, if I know the dates of no avaliability, I could gather
> the
> avaliability ones (will consider unknown as available). So, I index 4
> fields
> aval_yes_start, aval_yes_end, aval_no_start, aval_no_end (all are
> multiValued)
> If the user ask for avaliability from $start to $end I filter like:
> fq=aval_yes_start:[$start TO $end]&fq=aval_yes_end:[$start TO
> $end]&fq=*-*aval_no_start:[$start TO $end]&fq=*-*aval_no_end:[$start TO
> $end]

This can be done.  And given that you want long stretches of availability,
but what happens when a reservation is canceled?  You have to coalesce
intervals.  That isn't impossible, but it is a pain.

Would this count as premature optimization?

Simply retrieving days in the range and counting gets the right answer a bit
more simply.  Additions and deletions and modifications all work.

If you want to drive down to a resolution of seconds, the document time slot
model doesn't work.  But for days, it probably does.

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