I've searched high and low for this via Google and the Solr wiki page, and 
cannot find the answer.

My problem:

I'm having trouble getting the elevate.xml working. Here's what it currently 
looks like:

      <query text="thanks giving">
      <doc id="9c3ec5/node/3564" />

>From what I understand, this should work. According to 
>http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SchemaXml#The_Unique_Key_Field, I need to have the 
>unique key defined in the schema.xml. I checked this and I do have it:


I found the "9c3ec5/node/3564" by doing a search directly off the Solr server 
(http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/) and finding the ID of the document that I 
wanted from the generated XML. Here is what the result of my search, so you can 
see where I got the ID from.

    <result name="response" numFound="2" start="0">
      <str name="body">  
       --content here --
      <date name="changed">2011-08-31T19:42:15Z</date>
      <int name="comment_count">0</int>
      <date name="created">2011-08-16T13:18:00Z</date>
      <str name="entity">node</str>
      <str name="hash">9c3ec5</str>
      <str name="id">9c3ec5/node/3564</str>

I have verified that elevate.xml is being loaded. When I start Solr manually 
(java -Dsolr.solr.home=c:/solr/ -jar start.jar), I do see the elevate.xml is 
being loaded:

INFO: Loading QueryElevation from: c:\solr\conf\elevate.xml Nov 10, 2011 
11:11:24 AM org.apache.solr.handler.component.SearchHandler inform INFO: Adding 

I also restart the Solr service after making any changes to elevate.xml. Is 
this enough? Do I need to reindex or do anything else? 

Environment Info:

Apache Solr 1.4.1 is running on Windows Server 2008 R2 (64bit). I'm searching 
using the Drupal Content Management System (version 6.22). Search is working 
great except for this.

Any Ideas?

Does anyone have any ideas? Do I need to reindex the content? Any help would be 
greatly appreciated!

Michael Herchel 
Network Administrator 
Florida High School Athletic Association 
(352) 372-9551 x120  |  mherc...@fhsaa.org 
Become a FHSAA Official! Earn part-time income! Your local high schools need 
umpires and referees.

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