: I am indexing a table that has a field by the name of solr_keywords of type
: text in mysql. And it contains null values also. While creating index in
: solr, this field is not getting indexed.

what exactly is the problem you are seeing?

If your documents are being indexed w/o error, but some documents with 
null in the "solr_keywords" database field are not getting any (stored or 
indexed) values in the resulting solr index, then it sounds like 
everything is working properly.

There is no concept of a null value in a Solr index.  Documents either 
have a field value or they do not -- if you want to index the string 
"null" (or any other special string for that matter) when a document has 
no valued for a field, then there a few differnet wyas to do that.

this simplest in your case would probably be adding a "default" property 
on the field in your schema, or using something like the "COALESCE" 
function in your SQL.


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