Quoting http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrCaching#filterCache :
The filter cache stores the results of any filter queries ("fq" parameters) that Solr is explicitly asked to execute. (Each filter is executed and cached separately. When it's time to use them to limit the number of results returned by a query, this is done using set intersections.)
Finding what best suits your needs probably depends on how field1:val1 and field2:val2 vary all together, ie wether there exist a correlation in issuing field2:val2 knowing that field1:val1 was issued (or the other way)

Hope this helps ;-)


Le 01/12/2011 16:01, Antoine LE FLOC'H a écrit :

Is there any difference in the way things are stored in the filterCache if
I do

&(fq=field1:val1 AND field2:val2)

eventhough these are logically identical ? What get stored exactly ? Also
can you point me to where in the Solr source code this processing happens ?

Thank you.


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