Are you sure you commit after you're done? If you change
the index, this should all be automatic. Although that doesn't
make a lot of sense if you restart Solr because the
changes would probably be lost then.

But I'm a bit confused about what you mean by caches
not being updated. Do you mean search results?

Some details about how you're verifying that the results
aren't available would be helpful.

This should be all automatic, so my first guess would be
that you're not doing what you think you are <G>.


On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 6:21 AM, JiaoyanChen <> wrote:
> When I have delete or add data by application through solrj, or have
> import index through command nutch solrindex, the cache of solr are not
> changed if I do not restart solr.
> Could anyone tell me how could I update solr cache without restarting
> using shell command?
> When I recreate the index by nutch, I should update data in solr.
> I use java -jar start.jar to publish solr.
> Thanks!

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