Hi, all!

I have a problem with distributed search. I downloaded one shard from my
production. It has:
* ~29M docs
* 11 fields
* ~105M terms
* size of shard is: 13GB
On production there are near 30 the same shards. I split this shard to 4
more smaller shards, so now I have:
small shard1:
docs: 6.2M
terms: 27.2M
size: 2.89GB
small shard2:
docs: 6.3M
terms: 28.7M
size: 2.98GB
small shard3:
docs: 7.9M
terms: 32.8M
size: 3.60GB
small shard4:
docs: 8.2M
terms: 32.6M
size: 3.70GB

My machine confguration:
AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+
DDR2 Kingston 2x2G+2x1G = 6G
WDC WD2500JS (System here)
WDC WD20EARS (6 partitions = 30 GB for shards at begin of drive, and other
empty, all partitions are well aligned)
GNU/Linux Debian Squeeze
Tomcat 6.0.32 with JAVA_OPTS:
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -server \
    -XX:PermSize=512M -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -Xmx4096M -Xms4096M
-XX:NewSize=128M -XX:MaxNewSize=128M \
    -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled \
    -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=50 -XX:GCTimeRatio=9
-XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=25 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=25 \
    -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -Xloggc:$CATALINA_HOME/logs/gc.log"
Solr 3.5

I configured 4 cores and start Tomcat. I write a bash script. It's runing
during 300 seconds and sending every 6 seconds queries like*,score&qt=requestShards
where qt=requestShards is my 4 shards. After test I have the results:

Elapsed time: 299 secs
--- solr ---
Queries processed: 21 << this is full response file
Queries cancelled: 29 << this is number of killed curls
Average QTime is: 59645.6 ms 
Average RTime is: 59.7619 sec(s) << this is average time difference between
start and stop the curl. There is a part of script:
# >>dcs=`date +%s`
# >>curl ${url} -s -H 'Content-type:text/xml; charset=utf-8' >
# >>dce=`date +%s`
# >>dcd=$(echo "$dce - $dcs" | bc)
Size of data-dir is: 3346766 bytes << this is response dir size

I'm using nmon to to monitor R/W disk speed, and I was surprised that read
speed of my shards volumes WDC20EAR's drive was nearly 3 MB/s when script is
working. After this I run benchmark test from disk utility. Here is results:
Minimum read rate: 53.2MB/s
Maximum Read rate: 126.4 MB/s
Average Read rate: 95.8 MB/s

But from the other side I tested queries like*,score
results is:
Elapsed time: 299 secs
--- solr ---
Queries processed: 50
Queries cancelled: 0
Average QTime is: 139.76 ms
Average RTime is: 2.2 sec(s)
Size of data-dir is: 6819259 bytes

and quesries like*,score&shards=
and result is:
Elapsed time: 299 secs
--- solr ---
Queries processed: 49
Queries cancelled: 1
Average QTime is: 1878.37 ms
Average RTime is: 1.95918 sec(s)
Size of data-dir is: 4274099 bytes
So we see the results are the same.

My big question is: why is so slow drive read speed when Solr is working? 
Thanks for any replies

P.S. And maybe my general problem is too much terms in shard, for example,
<lst name="field1">
<int name="a">58641</int>
<int name="the">45022</int>
<int name="i">36339</int>
<int name="s">35637</int>
<int name="d">34247</int>
<int name="m">33869</int>
<int name="b">28961</int>
<int name="r">28147</int>
<int name="e">27654</int>
<int name="n">26940</int>


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