Hi all,

I feel like I must be missing something here...

I'm working on a customized version of the SearchHandler, which supports 
distributed searching in multiple *local* cores.

Assuming you want to support SearchComponents, then my handler needs to 
create/maintain a ResponseBuilder, which is passed to various SearchComponent 

The ResponseBuilder has a "finished" list of ShardRequest objects, for requests 
that have received responses from shards.

Inside the ShardRequest is a "responses" list of ShardResponse objects, which 
contain things like the SolrResponse.

The SolrResponse field in ShardResponse is private, and the method to set it is 
package private.

So it doesn't appear like there's any easy way to create the ShardResponse 
objects that the SearchComponents expect to receive inside of the 

If I put my custom SearchHandler class into the same package as the 
ShardResponse class, then I can call setSolrResponse().

It builds, and I can run locally. But if I deploy a jar with this code, then at 
runtime I get an illegal access exception when running under Jetty.

I can make it work by re-building the solr.war with my custom SearchHandler, 
but that's pretty painful.

Any other ideas/input?


-- Ken

Ken Krugler
custom big data solutions & training
Hadoop, Cascading, Mahout & Solr

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