Hello all

I'm seeing the following in my web server log file:

[2011-12-19 08:57:00.016] [customersIndex] webapp=/solr path=/dataimport
params={command=delta-import&commit=true&optimize=true} status=0 QTime=3
[2011-12-19 08:57:00.018] Starting Delta Import
[2011-12-19 08:57:00.018] Read dataimport.properties
[2011-12-19 08:57:00.019] Starting delta collection.
[2011-12-19 08:57:00.019] Running ModifiedRowKey() for Entity: CUSTOMERS
[2011-12-19 08:57:00.019] [ordersIndex] webapp=/solr path=/dataimport
params={command=delta-import&commit=true&optimize=true} status=0 QTime=1
[2011-12-19 08:57:00.023] Starting Delta Import
[2011-12-19 08:57:00.023] Creating a connection for entity CUSTOMERS with
[2011-12-19 08:57:00.023] Read dataimport.properties
[2011-12-19 08:57:00.024] Starting delta collection.
[2011-12-19 08:57:00.024] Running ModifiedRowKey() for Entity: item2
[2011-12-19 08:57:00.025] Creating a connection for entity item2 with URL:
jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST =
[2011-12-19 08:57:01.005] Time taken for getConnection(): 982
[2011-12-19 08:57:01.010] Time taken for getConnection(): 985
[2011-12-19 08:57:01.216] Completed ModifiedRowKey for Entity: CUSTOMERS
rows obtained : 0
[2011-12-19 08:57:01.217] Completed DeletedRowKey for Entity: CUSTOMERS
rows obtained : 0
[2011-12-19 08:57:01.217] Completed parentDeltaQuery for Entity: CUSTOMERS
[2011-12-19 08:57:01.217] Delta Import completed successfully
[2011-12-19 08:57:01.217] {} 0 3
[2011-12-19 08:57:01.217] Time taken = 0:0:1.199
[2011-12-19 08:57:02.226] Completed ModifiedRowKey for Entity: item2 rows
obtained : 0
[2011-12-19 08:57:02.227] Completed DeletedRowKey for Entity: item2 rows
obtained : 0
[2011-12-19 08:57:02.227] Completed parentDeltaQuery for Entity: item2
[2011-12-19 08:57:02.227] Delta Import completed successfully
[2011-12-19 08:57:02.227] {} 0 1
[2011-12-19 08:57:02.227] Time taken = 0:0:2.204

It sure looks like its an automatic delta import running on my 2 indexes.
 But I thought the docs said Solr didn't provide for automatic delta
imports?  Is this a new feature in 3.2?  I've got multiple 3.2 instances
running and this is the only one who's logs show this message.  Have I
turned something on accidentally?  If so, what config files contain these
settings?  I want to turn this on for the other solr instances.


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