Not really. And it's hard to make sense of how this would work in practice
because stemming the document (even if you could) because that's only
half the battle.

How would querying work then? No matter what language you used
for your stemming, it would be wrong for all the documents that used a
different stemmer (or a stemmer based on a different language).

So I wouldn't hold out too much hope here.


On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 4:09 PM,  <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to know if in the latest version of solr is it possible to apply 
> relevant stemmer to each doc depending on its lang field.
> I searched solr-user mailing lists and fount this thread
> but not sure if it was developed into a jira ticket.
> Thanks.
> Alex.

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