
I didn't hear any responses here, so I went ahead and made a bunch of changes to the highlighting parameters wiki: - Highlighter is now known as Original Highlighter so it's more clear that Highlighter doesn't just refer to the highlighting utilities generally. - I need help with fragsize. The wiki says to set it to either 0 or a huge number to disable fragmenting. Which is it? - the wiki says that hl.useFastVectorHighlighter is defaulted to false. I read somewhere that FVH is True when the data has been indexed with termVectors, termPositions and termOffsets. Is that correct?



On 01/07/2012 10:24 PM, Michael Lissner wrote:
I switched over to the FastVectorHighlighter, but I'm struggling with the highlighting wiki. For example, it took me a while to figure out that "Highlighter only" means that a parameter doesn't work for FVH.

Can somebody wise tell me if the following are valid corrections I can make: - fragSize=0 can be accomplished in FVH by creating a fragListBuilder in your config: <fragListBuilder name="single" class="solr.highlight.SingleFragListBuilder"/>
   and then calling it with hl.fragListBuilder=single
- fragListBuilder supports field level overrides (this isn't mentioned currently) - the wiki says that hl.useFastVectorHighlighter is defaulted to false. I read somewhere that FVH is True when the data has been indexed with termVectors, termPositions and termOffsets. Is that correct?



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