
There are a couple ways of handling this.

One is to do it from the 'client' side - i.e. do a Solr ping to each
shard beforehand to find out which/if any shards are unavailable. This
may not always work if you use forwarders/proxies etc.

What we do is add the name of all failed shards to the
CommonParams.FAILED_SHARDS parameter in the response header (if
partialResults=true), by retrieving the current list (if any) and

Excerpt from SearchHandler.java : handleRequestBody():
          log.info("Waiting for shard replies...");
          // now wait for replies, but if anyone puts more requests on
          // the outgoing queue, send them out immediately (by exiting
          // this loop)
          while (rb.outgoing.size() == 0) {
            ShardResponse srsp = comm.takeCompletedOrError();
            if (srsp == null) break;  // no more requests to wait for

            // If any shard does not respond (ConnectException) we respond with
            // other shards and set partialResults to true
            for (ShardResponse shardRsp : srsp.getShardRequest().responses) {
              Throwable th = shardRsp.getException();
              if (th != null) {
                log.info("Got shard exception for: " + srsp.getShard()
+ " : " + th.getClass().getName() + " cause: " + th.getCause());
                if (th instanceof SolrServerException && th.getCause()
instanceof Exception) {
                  // Was there an exception and return partial results
is false?  If so, abort everything and rethrow
                  if (failOnShardFailure) {
                        log.info("Not set for partial results. Aborting...");
                    throw new
SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, th);

if(rsp.getResponseHeader().get(CommonParams.FAILED_SHARDS) == null) {

shardRsp.getShard() + "|" +
                      (srsp.getException() != null &&
srsp.getException().getCause() != null ?
srsp.getException().getCause().getClass().getSimpleName() :
                                          (th instanceof SolrServerException &&
th.getCause() != null ? th.getCause().getClass().getSimpleName() :
                  else {

                    //Append the name of the failed shard, delimiting
multiple failed shards with |
                    String prslt =
                    prslt += ";" + shardRsp.getShard() + "|" +
                     (srsp.getException() != null &&
srsp.getException().getCause() != null ?
srsp.getException().getCause().getClass().getSimpleName() :
                                          (th instanceof SolrServerException &&
th.getCause() != null ? th.getCause().getClass().getSimpleName() :

rsp.getResponseHeader().add(CommonParams.FAILED_SHARDS, prslt);
                  log.error("Connection to shard [" +
shardRsp.getShard() + "] did not succeed", th.getCause());
                } else {
                  if (th instanceof SolrException) {
                    throw (SolrException) th;
                  } else {
                    throw new

[Note we also log the failure to the [local] server's log]
Your client can then extract the CommonParams.FAILED_SHARDS parameter
and display and/or process accordingly.

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