On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 1:40 AM, Darren Govoni <dar...@ontrenet.com> wrote:

> And to be honest, many people on this list are professionals who not only
> build their own solutions, but also buy tools and tech.
> I don't see what the big deal is if some clever company has something of
> imminent value here to share it. Considering that its a rare event.

I would consider it if it were of eminent value, but not if it were
imminent or immanent.

Seriously, let's set the bar that blatantly commercial postings be at least
responsive to something as opposed to just spam that happens to be slightly
related to the mailing list.

For instance, if a SAS rep wanted to post an answer of the form "Mahout
doesn't, but SAS does" on the Mahout mailing list, I would be thrilled.  If
they posted their monthly newsletter, I would be pissed.  The first kind of
answer adds value, the second siphons value off.

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