Hmm, I don't have a "" file, I don't think. Oh wait, yes I do there it is! I guess the replication process makes this file?


I don't see an index directory in the file at all though. Below is my complete

So I'm still not sure how to properly recover from this situation withotu downtime. It _looks_ to me like the timestamped directory is actually the live/recent one. It's files have a more recent timestamp, and it's the one that /admin/replication.jsp mentions.

#Replication details
#Wed Jan 18 10:58:25 EST 2012
confFilesReplicated=[solrconfig.xml, schema.xml]

On 1/18/2012 1:41 PM, Dyer, James wrote:
I've seen this happen when the configuration files change on the master and replication deems it necessary to 
do a core-reload on the slave. In this case, replication copies the entire index to the new directory then 
does a core re-load to make the new config files and new index directory go live.  Because it is keeping the 
old searcher running while the new searcher is being started, both index copies to exist until the swap is 
complete.  I remember having the same concern about re-starts, but I believe I tested this and solr will look 
at the "" file on startup and determine the correct index dir to use from 
that.  So (If my memory is correct) you can safely delete "index" so long as 
"" points to the other directory.

I wasn't familiar with SOLR-1781.  Maybe replication is supposed to clean up the extra 
directories and doesn't sometimes?  In any case, I've found whenever it happens its ok to 
go out and delete the one(s) not being used, even if that means deleting 

James Dyer
E-Commerce Systems
Ingram Content Group
(615) 213-4311

-----Original Message-----
From: Artem Lokotosh []
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: replication, disk space

Which OS do you using?
Maybe related to this Solr bug

On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 6:32 PM, Jonathan Rochkind<>  wrote:
So Solr 1.4. I have a solr master/slave, where it actually doesn't poll for
replication, it only replicates irregularly when I issue a replicate command
to it.

After the last replication, the slave, in solr_home, has a data/index
directory as well as a data/index.20120113121302 directory.

The /admin/replication/index.jsp admin page reports:

Local Index
Index Version: 1326407139862, Generation: 183
Location: /opt/solr/solr_searcher/prod/data/index.20120113121302

So does this mean the index.XXXX file is actually the one currently being
used live, not the straight 'index'? Why?

I can't afford the disk space to leave both of these around indefinitely.
  After replication completes and is committed, why would two index dirs be
left?  And how can I restore this to one index dir, without downtime? If
it's really using the "index.XXXXX" directory, then I could just delete the
"index" directory, but that's a bad idea, because next time the server
starts it's going to be looking for "index", not "index.XXXX".  And if it's
using the timestamped index file now, I can't delete THAT one now either.

If I was willing to restart the tomcat container, then I could delete one,
rename the other, etc. But I don't want downtime.

I really don't understand what's going on or how it got in this state. Any


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