I did find a solution, but the output is horrible. Why does explain look so 

<lst name="explain"><str name="2H7DF">
6.351252 = (MATCH) boost(*:*,query(specialties_ids: #1;#0;#0;#0;#0;#0;#0;#0;#0; 
,def=0.0)), product of:
  1.0 = (MATCH) MatchAllDocsQuery, product of:
    1.0 = queryNorm
  6.351252 = query(specialties_ids: #1;#0;#0;#0;#0;#0;#0;#0;#0; 


We like the boost parameter in SOLR 3.5 with eDismax.

The question we have is what we would like to replace bq with boost, but we get 
the "multi-valued field issue" when we try to do this.

Bill Bell
Sent from mobile

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