Hi there,

I have a document and its title is "20111213_solr_apache conference report".

When I use analysis web interface to see what tokens exactly solr analyze
and the following is the result

term text20111213_solrapacheconferencereportterm type<NUM><ALPHANUM>

Why 20111213_solr tokenized as <NUM> and "_" char won't be removed? (I've
add "_" as stop word in stopwords.txt)

I did another test when "20111213_solr_apache conference_report".
As you can see the difference is I add an underscore char between
conference and report. To analyze this string
term text20111213_solrapacheconferencereportterm type<NUM><ALPHANUM>
this time the underscore char between conference and report is removed!

Why? How to make solr remove underscore char and behave consistent?
Please help on this.

Thanks in advance.


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