: I am using a solr.StopFilterFactory in a query filter for a text_general
: field (here: content). It works fine, when I query the field for the
: stopword, then I am getting no results.
: used in the text. What I am trying to achieve is, to also filter the
: stopwords from the facet_fields, but it's not working. It would only work
: if the stopwords are also used during the indexing of the text_general
: field, right?
: My current solution is to 'filter' with code after retrieving the
: facet_fields from Solr. But is there a Solr-based way to do this niftier?

Not really. field.facet works based on the terms in the index -- if the 
term is in the index, and it's in the documents matching your query, you 
are going to get counts back for it.


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