On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 11:39 AM, Jamie Johnson <jej2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hmmm....Ok, I don't see how it's possible for me to ensure that there
> are no ties.  If a query were for *:* everything has a constant score,
> if the user requested 1 page then requested the next the results on
> the second page could be duplicates from what was on the first page.
> I don't remember ever seeing this issue on older versions of
> SolrCloud, although from what you're saying I should have.  What could
> explain why I never saw this before?

If you use replication only to duplicate an index (and avoid any
merges), then you will have identical docids.

> Another possible fix to ensure proper ordering couldn't we always
> specify a sort order which contained the key?  So for instance the
> user asks for score asc, we'd make this score asc,key asc so that
> results would be order by score and then by key so the results across
> pages would be consistent?


And like I said, this is also an issue even on a single node.
docid A can be before docid B, then a segment merge can cause these to
be shuffled.

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