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Summary: I have a fairly clean install of Drupal 7 with
Apachesolr-1.0-beta18. I have created a content type called document with a
number of fields. I am working with 30k+ records, most of which are related
to "Marion, IA" in some way. A search for "library" (without the quotes)
returns no results, while a search for "marion library" returns thousands
of results. That doesn't make any sense to me at all.

  <li>Drupal 7 (latest stable version)</li>
  <li>Custom content type with many fields</li>
  <li>LAMP stack running on Centos Linode</li>
  <li>PHP 5.2.x</li>

I also checked this through the solr admin interface, running the same
searches with similar results, so I can't rule out the possibility that
something is configured wrong... but since I am using the solrconfig.xml
and schema.xml files provided with the modules, it is also a possibility
that the issue lies here as well. I have watched the logs and during the
searches that produce no results but should, there is no output in the log
besides the regular <code>[INFO]</code> about the query.

I am stumped and I am past a deadline with this project, so any help would
be greatly appreciated.

Sean Adams-Hiett
Director of Development
The Advantage Companies

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