Hi All,

I am working on an application which makes few solr calls to get the data.

On the high level, We have a requirement like this

   - Make first call to Solr, to get the list of products which are
   children of a given category
   - Make 2nd solr call to get product documents based on a list of product

2nd query will look like

q=document_type:SKU&fq=product_id:(34 OR 45 OR 56 OR 77)

We can have close to 100 product ids in fq.

is there a performance cost of doing these solr calls which have lots of OR?

As per Slide # 41 of Presentation "The Seven Deadly Sins of Solr", it is a
bad idea to have these kind of queries.


But, It does not become clear the reason it is bad.

Any inputs will be welcome.



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