
See this issue:
It's just a TODO issue right now but when it's completed, you'll be able to do 
polygon spatial queries.  All the software is written to do it right now but 
the missing Solr piece is temporarily at  If you were to try to 
use it, you would need to build it as of the same date that the Lucene spatial 
module was added, in LUCENE-3795.  Also, FYI to do polygons, you need a 3rd 
party jar, JTS.

I'm working through a backlog of things to get to but will get to it.

~ David Smiley

On Apr 23, 2012, at 11:09 AM, Eric Grobler wrote:

> Hello Solr Community,
> We are interested in polygon spatial queries.
> I believe that Spatial4j supports it.
> Is there a solr branch available that includes Spatial4j?
> Will this be part of a furure solr release?
> Thank you.
> Best Regards
> Ericz

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