
I experience that a Solr looses its connection with Zookeeper and re-establish it. After Solr is reconnection to Zookeeper it begins to recover. It has been missing the connection approximately 10 seconds and meanwhile the leader slice has received some documents (maybe about 1000 documents). Solr fails to update peer sync with the log message:
Apr 21, 2012 10:13:40 AM org.apache.solr.update.PeerSync sync
WARNING: PeerSync: core=mycollection_slice21_shard1 url=zk-1:2181,zk-2:2181,zk-3:2181 too many updates received since start - startingUpdates no longer overlaps with our currentUpdates

Looking into PeerSync and UpdateLog I can see that 100 updates is the maximum allowed updates that a shard can be behind. Is it correct that this is not configurable and what is the reasons for choosing 100?

I suspect that one must compare the work needed to replicate the full index with the performance loss/resource usage when enhancing the size of the UpdateLog?

Any comments regarding this is greatly appreciated.

Best regards Trym

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