Another option is to remove autowarming, and instead create a small
bunch of queries that go most of the way. If you sort on a field, do
that sort; facet queries also. This will load the basic Lucene data
structures. Also, just getting the index data loaded into the OS disk
cache helps a lot.

On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 1:53 PM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:
> On 5/9/2012 7:01 AM, wrote:
>> We are testing an updated version of our Solr server running solr 3.5.0
>> and we are experiencing some performance issues with regard to updates and
>> commits.
>> Searches are working well.
>> There are approximately 80,000 documents and the index is about 2.5 GB.
>> This does not seem to be extreme based on other implementations I have seen.
> There seems to be no such thing as typical.  My 11.5 million document
> indexes are nearing 21 GB.  Your documents are huge when compared to mine,
> but I'm sure that someone out there has even larger documents.
>> An attempt to add a single document and commit is taking many minutes but
>> the time taken is not consistent.
>> Despite being in very light usage the java process seems to consistently
>> require an entire CPU core.
>> Optimising the index produced a limited improvement but this also takes a
>> good deal of time to run.
>> I am at a slight loss as to what the issue may be, I am interested in what
>> others think would be a normal commit time with this sort of data volume.
>> I am thinking there may be an issue with the schema but I am just
>> guessing.
> Frequent optimizes should be avoided.  Optimizing is not inherently bad, but
> it should happen during off hours, and index updates/deletes should be
> suspended until the optimize is complete.
> I believe it's fairly normal for a commit operation to use one core, at
> least with 3.x.  I have not yet used trunk, so I cannot say whether the
> situation will be better on 4.0.
> Without concrete information, I would guess that it's cache warming that's
> making it go slow.  You can see the total warmupTime on the Statistics page
> in the admin GUI:
> http://HOST:PORT/solr/CORENAME/admin/stats.jsp
> Once there, search the page for warmup.  The first entries found (in the
> Core section) will be the total warmup time for the entire searcher.
>  Searching further, you will find additional entries in the Cache section,
> those will tell you which of the caches is taking the majority of the
> warmupTime.
> If it is indeed the warmup that is going slowly, you can make it go faster
> by reducing the autowarm counts for your caches.  If you find (as I have)
> that even a small number of warming queries still goes slowly, you'll need
> to see if you can identify the slow queries before they get executed and use
> LocalParams options to not cache those queries.
> If the total warmupTime is low, then you can ignore everything I've said
> above and keep looking for the cause, in which case answers to the following
> questions may be helpful:
> How often are you updating your index? How many documents are in a typical
> update? Are you using explicit commits, autoCommit, or perhaps both?  If
> autoCommit is enabled, what are the settings?
> Another thing that results in very slow queries is not having enough free
> memory to cache the majority (or entirety) of the index.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

Lance Norskog

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