Hi all,

we've been running Solr 1.4 for about a year with no real problems. As
of monday it became impossible to do a full import on our master
because of an OOM. Now what I think is strange is that even after we
more than doubled the available memory there would still always be an
OOM.  We seem to have reached a magic number of documents beyond which
Solr requires infinite memory (or at least more than 2.5x what it
previously needed which is the same as infinite unless we invest in
more resources).

We have solved the immediate problem by changing autocommit=false,
holdability="CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT", batchSize=10000. Now
holdability in this case I don't think does very much as I believe
this is the default behavior. BatchSize certainly has a direct effect
on performance (about 3x time difference between 1 and 10000). The
autocommit is a problem for us however. This leaves transactions
active in the db which may block other processes.

We have about 5.1 million documents in the index which is about 2.2 gigabytes.

A full index is a rare operation with us but when we need it we also
need it to work (thank you captain obvious).

With the settings above a full index takes 15 minutes. We anticipate
we will be handling at least 10x the amount of data in the future. I
actually hope to have solr 4 by then but I can't sell a product which
isn't finalized yet here.

Thanks for any insight you can give.


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